Alum Rock Counseling Center’s (ARCC’s) 2018 Annual Fundraising Luncheon was a huge sellout success. Over 250 guests, including community members, local nonprofit and business leaders, elected officials, board members, donors and program youth attended the luncheon on March 27, 2018, raising nearly $80,000 for ARCC’s vital programs and services, which support youth and families throughout our local communities.

Both Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, Cindy Chavez, and CA State Assembly Member, Ash Kalra, came to the stage at different points in time, speaking to the important role of nonprofit organizations such as ARCC in keeping our youth safe, in school and prepared for building successful futures.

One of the most powerful parts of the program was the youth speakers. We heard from Jasmine, a graduating 8th grader in the Ocala Mentoring Program and Caroline, a college-bound, high school senior and program alumna, who spoke to the profound changes that ARCC helped to make possible in their lives. As Caroline shared, the impact of ARCC’s programs often can be felt for years to come: “I’m grateful for all the services and lessons that the mentoring program offered me because they have led to amazing opportunities. Programs like this work because they fill lonely and confused youth with hope and a drive to become better persons.”

The event closed with a moving speech from Dave Cortese, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, District 3, who was honored as ARCC’s 2018 SUPER ROLE MODEL for his extraordinary service to youth and immigrant populations in our community. Supervisor Cortese called out his own father, Dominic Cortese, who was in the audience, as his role model and guiding force in the good work he strives to do.

We extend special thanks to our Emcee, Guisselle Nunez, who always does a fabulous job, serving as Mistress of Ceremonies, keeping the program on time and the audience entertained and engaged. And we recognize Stacy Dryer, our Chief Development and Communications Officer, who organized and led almost every aspect of this record setting event with great commitment and care.

Finally, we extend our sincere appreciation to our generous and committed board members for their ongoing support: Angel Kelly, Scott Whelton, Jon Yap, Anna Cruz, Damian Durruty, Marcos Herrera, Susan Ledezma, Teresa Leija, Frank Ponciano, Joaquin Portugal, and Tom Smith.

Steve Eckert