On May 3, 2024, Alum Rock Counseling Center (ARCC) welcomed approximately 250 guests to its sold-out 50th Anniversary Luncheon, held at Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose. The event helped to raise funds for ARCC’s vital programs and services, which have supported youth from our local communities in staying safe, in school, and on track for healthy, successful futures for 50 years.

To honor the auspiciousness of ARCC’s special service milestone, this year’s luncheon kicked off with commendations and resolutions from the offices of local and state elected officials. This included San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan who presented a commendation on behalf of the City of San Jose, and CA State Senator Dave Cortese who presented a resolution on behalf of the full Senate. ARCC also received a resolution from the CA State Legislature and a commendation from the entire Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.

One of ARCC’s original founders, Father Jerry Drino, shared ARCC’s origin story and reflected on the beauty and depth of ARCC’s work, both then and now.

“Thresholds – all the information that is needed to understand the trajectory of a life, a plan, a program is there in the initial conditions. We are called to observe what is there. An acorn has all the information it needs to grow into an oak tree. All that is required are right conditions to germinate, grow and be protected for the future. In counseling, we are trying to help a person re-engage with the treasure that has been there from the beginning. The acorn. On this day of celebration of a half century, I say to you who are carrying Alum Rock Counseling Center forward: Trust this inheritance and the legacy, with its wonderful branches carried by each client and counselor, each staff, manager and director. Acorns. You are a blessing.”

In a special video presentation, event guests enjoyed hearing from both recent and long ago ARCC program graduates, who spoke to how their lives were different today because of their time at ARCC. As one of the featured alumni shared, the impact of ARCC’s work often is felt for many years to come:

”When I came to ARCC as a middle school student, my home life was incredibly stressful, making it impossible for me to focus in school and leading to failing grades. My teachers tried to help, but they didn’t really have the resources to support a student like me. My counselors understood what I was going through and what I had to face when I crossed the street from school to go back into my neighborhood and my home. They helped me avoid getting mixed up with the wrong crowd and so I was able to avoid the school to prison pipeline, which is the reality for so many Latino youth like me. They allowed me to imagine what was possible in spite of the difficult circumstances I was facing. Because of ARCC, I was given hope for a brighter future and I was able to achieve it.”

You can check out the full “Alumni Journeys” video below:


The Honorable Katherine Lucero, former Superior Court Judge, spoke to her current work as Director of the Office of Youth & Community Restoration (OYCR) and her commitment to “Re-designing Juvenile Justice through a Health-based Lens.” Having spent many years presiding over juvenile court in Santa Clara County, Director Lucero saw firsthand all of the life challenges and risk factors that system-involved youth face, including disproportionate amounts of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences. Much like the ongoing work of ARCC, the new OYCR model of juvenile justice focuses on “education and literacy as key protective factors,” and providing youth with the support they need so that they can “transition back to their communities welcomed and healed and forgiven.”  You can click here to listen to Director Lucero’s full address.


We closed out this year’s special celebration by presenting ARCC’s 2024 Super Role Model Award to CA State Assembly Member Ash Kalra for his long-standing commitment to address racial disparities and advance equity within our criminal justice and healthcare systems. In his acceptance speech, Assembly Member Kalra explained why the work of agencies such as ARCC play a pivotal role in helping our most vulnerable communities to heal.

“As Alum Rock Counseling Center (ARCC) celebrates its 50th Anniversary and I reflect on the core values of social justice and equity upon which ARCC was founded, I am reminded that we live in a world where systemic biases continue to perpetuate cycles of trauma, inequality, and injustice, particularly for communities of color. I am inspired by the work of organizations like ARCC, who are on the front lines of bringing about much-needed changes and reform, including providing our community with access to meaningful behavioral health resources… and I am proud to stand alongside them in this fight for justice.”

ARCC extends sincerest thanks to their talented, longtime friend, Guisselle Nunez, who once again engaged event guests with her warmth and humor as Luncheon Emcee and Mistress of Ceremonies. ARCC also appreciates its generous and committed Board of Directors for their leadership and support: Susan Ledezma, Joaquin Portugal, Teresa Leija, Marcos Herrera, Gaurav Anand, Chuck Chakravarthy, Terae De Cou, Steve Eckert, Jessica Gabaldon, Sarah Heraldo, Karmen Ko, Brandon Martinez-Larragoiti, Prabh Nijjar, Jaya Pandey, and Eeva Slattery. Finally, ARCC acknowledges its Advisory Board for their contributions to ARCC’s work and mission: Alexandrea Cervantes, Vaibhav Chidrewar, Ernie Cortes, Dean McCully, Tom McGovern, Sue Nelson, Jose Luis Rueda, and Ernie Yamane.

You can make a donation to support ARCC’s youth & programs here.


To see a list of this year’s sponsors, please visit our 50th Anniversary Luncheon Page.

If you have questions or want to become a sponsor for our 2025 Luncheon Event, please contact development@alumrockcc.org